MW candidate Lin Liu has listened once too often as people have traded bad information about the Chinese market. Now she wants to set the record straight.
The demise of the wine critic has been over-reported, in the UK at least, where wine communicators are still influential. James Lawrence names the important names.
Jeni Port meets Nigel Greening, the ad man who turned Felton Road into one of the hottest wine properties in the cool climate area of Otago, New Zealand.
Before Lodovico Antinori sold Ornellaia to Robert Mondavi in 2002, he was already well into his next big idea, Biserno. Today, Roger Morris reports, Antinori is helping make Cabernet Franc the top red grape of Maremma.
Niederösterreich, Austria’s largest wine-growing area, consists of eight independent quality regions designated as DACs, or Districtus Austriae Controllatus. They stretch in close proximity to one another, often taking their names from their own distinctive landscapes.