How to Navigate the Latest Reports on Alcohol and Health

Dr Tom Croghan, winemaker and medical doctor, weighs in on the recent announcements from the USA.

Reading time: 2m 45s

How Neuromarketing is Transforming Customer Engagement

Neuromarketing delivers surprising results across various areas of marketing, from web design to customer engagement.

Reading time: 6m 30s

A New Study Shows the Benefits of Moderate Wine Drinking. Don’t Get Excited

A new Spanish study confirms that moderate wine drinking has cardiovascular benefits for at-risk people. Felicity Carter reports.

Reading time: 3m 30s

US Report Supports Case For Moderate Alcohol Consumption

The latest report from the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine may reduce the likelihood of a WHO-style alcohol warning in the next US Dietary Guidelines.

Reading time: 2m

Devil’s Advocate: Should We Be Talking About Red Wine Headaches?

Robert Joseph looks at a phenomenon that rarely gets discussed — the discomfort some people, including wine professionals, suffer after drinking a glass or two of red.

Reading time: 2m 45s

The Changing Face of Wine: Re-evaluating "New World" and "Old World"

The terms New World and Old World have been used for decades to distinguish between countries of origin. M.Sc. Melissa Lohmeyer, Prof. Dr Gergely Szolnoki and Prof. Dr Siegfried Pöchtrager ask if these terms are still meaningful.

Reading time: 3m 15s

Will Climate Change Make Wine Healthier - or Less Healthy?

Becca Yeamans-Irwin takes a scientific look at the credibility of health claims that are made about wine, and the possible impact of a changing climate.

Reading time: 5m 30s

Blockchain’s Potential in the Wine Industry

An all-day forum presented various blockchain applications and their relevance to marketing. Michael Paul Kramer offers us a look to the most inspiring research and developments to come.

Reading time: 2m 30s 

Sparkling Wine in Austria: It's a Matter of Taste

Origin is often touted as an important quality feature for sparkling wine. Whether Austrian consumers also see it that way was investigated in a study at the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland. Bettina König, Christian Pfeiffer and Marcus Wieschhoff report.

Reading time: 4m 30s