As the US celebrates 90 years since the repeal of Prohibition, Robert Joseph looks back at the history of liquor bans globally and wonders if they are really a thing of the past.
Sonal Holland MW, a writer, wine judge and entrepreneur, whose India-based ventures include brand ambassadorship, education, market consultancy and retail partnerships, talks about India's regulatory restrictions and its great potential.
Indian media are covering a sticking point in Free Trade Agreement negotiations. The UK wants the freedom to bottle export shipments ‘in transit’. Robert Joseph wonders whether wine companies might consider this kind of model - despite its environmental implications.
As British PM, Boris Johnson signs new trade deals with India in Delhi, Australia’s wine industry celebrates its country’s new FTA with the subcontinent. But how far will it go towards filling the hole left by China?
Niederösterreich, Austria’s largest wine-growing area, consists of eight independent quality regions designated as DACs, or Districtus Austriae Controllatus. They stretch in close proximity to one another, often taking their names from their own distinctive landscapes.