Meininger’s Wine Conference: An Essential Date for Your Diary

The Meininger’s Wine Conference has become an essential annual event for key players in the industry.

Reading time: 1m 30s

SVB Report: the Need to Focus More on US Millennials

Rob McMillan's annual SVB Report is essential reading for anyone interested in the US market. In his latest edition, he reveals a pessimistic mood among US producers, falling sales, and a halving of the 30-45 year-olds' share of the market.

Reading time: 4m

ProWein Business Report: The Future of Wine

The new ProWein Business Report examines the challenges, concerns, and trends of the industry.

Reading time: 5m 30s

Austria Bucks (Some) Trends

Austria appears relatively well-positioned amid the global sales crisis. The domestic market also remains stable. Recent harvests have been on the smaller side, with Grüner Veltliner in particularly short supply. Vincent Meßmer reports.

Reading time: 6m 30s

Wine Paris 2025: New Hall Layouts and Market Insights

Vinexpo Wine Paris 2025 reorganizes its halls and highlights market data, responding to shifting trends, structural declines, and opportunities in global and regional wine markets.

Reading time: 2m 15s


US Wine Woes: Cannabis, Camera-Shy Gen-Z's, and Unpersuaded Hispanics

As the US prepares to inaugurate a non wine-drinking president, Robert Joseph considers the challenges demographics represent for the US wine industry.

Reading time: 6m 30s

Survey Shows Pessimism Among Italian Wineries

A survey among leading Italian wine companies reveals that only a quarter of the businesses expect revenue growth in 2024.

Reading time: 1m 15s

Rotkäppchen-Mumm Trend Study: Community and Freedom Take Center Stage

According to a new Rotkäppchen-Mumm trend study, 18- to 29-year-olds prioritise spending their money on meaningful experiences over acquiring new possessions.

Reading time: 2m

Wine Sales Are Falling. A Momentary Blip? Or a Structural Problem?

Professor Simone Loose from Geisenheim University and Rafael del Rey from the Spanish Observatory of Wine Markets have launched their latest report, State of the International Wine Markets in 2023. Here are their most important findings.

Reading time: 6m 30s