Alcohol consumption among adolescents and young adults (12-25 years) continues to decline. The chart shows the percentage of respondents who had at least one alcoholic drink a week in the previous year.
The number of people receiving clinical treatment for alcohol poisoning in 2022 is the lowest it has been since 2002. Compared to the previous year, there has been a reduction of less than one percent (-0.9%).
Two glasses of wine a day is average
According to the WHO, consumers worldwide drink an average of around 32.8g of pure alcohol per day, which is roughly equivalent to what Wine in Moderation classifies as low-risk for men.
A little sense of proportion would also be good when it comes to bans.
"The current figures confirm that we are on the right track, and without any far-reaching bans, taxes or deterrent signs on bottles. Despite this, no publication of what is actually a pleasing development is complete without calls for further restrictions. In my opinion, this speaks of helplessness or disregard for these developments. Instead of banning and regulating, we should focus on what has proven to be successful so far, namely education and advocating a lifestyle of responsible consumption, such as through Wine in Moderation. This would be good for both health and the wine industry and would do justice to wine as a cultural asset."
Sources: German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), 2024; Federal Centre for Health Education