Waiting for China

Prices on the world market for bulk wine are hardly changing, demand remains very restrained. 

Reading time: 30s

Source: Ciatti Global Wine & Grape Brokers, Global Market Update, Export prices in €/hl
Source: Ciatti Global Wine & Grape Brokers, Global Market Update, Export prices in €/hl

After the end of the Covid restrictions there, demand for domestic wine has picked up again in China, but the Chinese have not yet re-emerged as buyers on the world market.

The southern hemisphere has probably completed a largely below-average harvest. In Argentina, yields are expected to be 40-45% below the long-term average. The bulk wine market here is now officially on pause until the vintage change in June. From Australia it is said that many producers have cut red wine grapes on the ground instead of harvesting them.

News Wine

Amid a globally slow sales picture, activity on the bulk wine markets of France, Spain and South Africa managed to tick up through April into early May, for a variety of local reasons.

Reading time: 2m 15s



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