Champagne Sees Record Sales as Revenues Rise to €6bn

Global sales of champagne have reached 326 mill. bottles in 2022. According to the Comité Champagne, this represents an increase of 1.6% compared to 2021.

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Demand for champagne remains high (Photo: Arteum Reyzvikh)
Demand for champagne remains high (Photo: Arteum Reyzvikh)

After an unexpectedly good previous year, these results continue to confirm the vitality of the Champagne market, both in terms of sales and turnover. Global sales reached a value of more than €6bn for the first time.

According to David Chatillon, President of the Union des Maisons de Champagne, the increase in sales is due to consumers who "rejoiced at the end of [pandemic] restrictions and rediscovered the desire to celebrate, go out and travel".

The 2022 results show that demand has recovered from the shock of the 2020 pandemic. Vintners and houses are optimistic that they can continue to meet market demand. PD




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