Exchange Rate Price Shifts Raise Cost of US Bulk Wine to EU Buyers

Exchange rates determine the price. Red wine prices fall. Ciatti's current data.

Reading time: 1m

Source: Ciatti Global Wine & Grape Brokers, Global Market Update, export prices in €/hl
Source: Ciatti Global Wine & Grape Brokers, Global Market Update, export prices in €/hl

In contrast to previous weeks, the dollar and the euro have shifted their relationship slightly. Although dollar prices actually remain stable, euro prices for bulk wine from California have risen. The weakness of the South African rand makes the country attractive to overseas buyers and bulk wine prices in euros are showing a downward trend. 

Apart from the exchange rate shifts,there is a good availability of red wines on the world market, so their prices are likely to slip.

Shipments remain expensive, even though the peak appears to have passed.




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