For German agriculture, 2022/23 was a positive year, attributed by the German Farmers' Association to a tight global supply situation that led to higher prices. However, the situation in viticulture has developed in the opposite direction. Rising costs are drastically reducing incomes.
In addition to the usual expenses of agriculture, viticulture has also been hit by a surge in glass prices and has to deal with significantly higher lease costs.
Approximately 60% of agriculture is conducted on leased land, and for vintners, these leasing expenses constitute a considerably higher economic burden compared to other farmers.
"Practitioners need to be heard more."
"The time is overdue for practitioners to receive greater attention and for their expertise to be more extensively integrated into political decisions. We, the farmers, are the cultivators of the future, guarantors of a high-quality food supply, entrepreneurs for nature and climate protection, and an essential component of vibrant and habitable rural areas. Ultimately, the future of agriculture is also fundamental to the sustainability of our economy and society."
Source: Agricultural Situation Report 2024, German Farmers' Association