Germany: Buying Wine Via Smartphone App?

Consumers can already order all sorts of things via smartphone using numerous apps. In the wine trade, mobile applications tailored specifically for wine purchases are still rare. However, shopping via app is becoming increasingly common.

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Criterion for use
Criterion for use

No surprise here:  Price is the most important factor when shopping with a smartphone. If users feel that the price-performance ratio in the app is fair, they are more likely to make purchases. This applies more to young users (<40 years; 53%) than to over-40s (46%).

For 41% of digital natives, it is important that the payment process is simple. Only 33% of digital immigrants say the same. Transparency and reliability play an important role for all generations and are ranked 3rd, 4th and 5th in the criteria ranking.

The acceptance of in-app purchases is increasing: 39% of Germans have already purchased digital content directly via an app instead of via the provider's website. A further 25% can imagine doing so in the future. This development is being driven by 18 to 39-year-olds, while older people are more hesitant.

App users are generally somewhat younger.

Alex Kim, Managing Director
Alex Kim, Managing Director

Source: Postbank - a branch of Deutsche Bank AG; basis: survey of 3,038 German citizens, representative of the population.



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