Germany: Imports Fall

Wine imports to Germany fell to 13.3m hl in 2022 from 14.3m hl in 2021 (-6.8%). The total value decreased from €2.75bn to €2.7bn (-2%), according to preliminary figures published by the German Winegrowers' Association based on data from the Federal Statistical Office.

Reading time: 1m

Less wine from around the world set course for Germany last year (Photo: CC by)
Less wine from around the world set course for Germany last year (Photo: CC by)


The average price per litre rose slightly from €1.93 (2021) to €2.03.

  • The decline mainly affected the red wine category (-12% volume; -9% value), where the average price per litre dropped to €2.20.
  • For white wine, on the other hand, a slightly higher price per litre (€1.20) buffered the decline in volume (volume -8.9%, value +1.4%).
  • 63% of wine imports in 2022 were bulk wines, the share remained stable.

Most important origins

Of the three most important origins, only Spain was able to record a small increase in value of 1.7% thanks to a rise in the average price, although the volume fell (-6.5%). Nevertheless, Italy remains the most important origin, with 36.3% of the imported quantity and 37.7% of the imported value. It is followed by Spain in terms of volume (27.5%) and France in terms of value (30.4%).

Champagne prices

The average price of Champagne increased from €22.99 (2021) to €25.55. More Champagne was also imported (volume +2.3%; value +13.7%). This coincides with the fact that Champagne exports grew in 2022 and Germany is one of the most important export markets for France (read MORE). VM


Would-be wine exporters have always focused their attention on the long-established UK and excitingly dynamic US markets, but, as Felix Bodmann reveals, Germany deserves to be taken very seriously – provided you know who to talk to.

Reading time: 11m



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