On December 12, the Spanish Wine Market Observatory (OeMv) released its semiannual report on the global wine market and the leading wine-importing countries for the first half of 2024. The report is based on an analysis of customs and statistical data from wine-importing nations.
According to the report, global wine trade saw a slight increase of 1.7% in volume, reaching 49m HL, but a decline in value of 3.3%, totaling €17.13 bn.
After losing its top position in wine import volumes to the United States in 2022, Germany has remained the global leader in volume for the second consecutive year, despite a slight decline of 0.5% to about 650m liters. However, in value, Germany ranks third at €1.21 bn (-7.9%), behind the U.S. (€3.05 bn, -3%) and the UK (€2.1 bn, also -3%). This discrepancy is due to Germany's low average wine price, which dropped 7.5% to €1.85 per liter in 2024, significantly below the global average of €3.68 per liter.
In terms of wine categories, only bulk wine imports increased in Germany during the first half of the year, rising by 8.9m liters (+2.4%) at an average price of just €0.66 per liter. In contrast, sparkling wine (-14% volume, -15% value), still wine (-3.3% volume, -9.3% value), and bag-in-box wines (2–10 liters, -4.4% volume, -6.6% value) all saw notable declines. SP