Portugal Increases Global Market Share

Except for port wine, Portuguese export figures remained nearly stable, enabling Portugal to capture a larger share of the global market. In 2023, the average price per liter for exports also increased.

Reading time: 1m

(Photo: Sergey Petermann/adobe.stock.com)
(Photo: Sergey Petermann/adobe.stock.com)

In 2023, Portuguese wine exports reached a value of €928m and 319m liters, according to figures released by ViniPortugal. The average price per liter rose to €2.90, which was 0.66% higher than in the same period of the previous year.

Regarding the total value of exports, it's noted that Portuguese wines achieved a value of €407m within the European Union (a decrease of 2.40% in value and 3.35% in volume), while third countries accounted for €521m (a decrease of 0.17% in value and 0.54% in volume).

"As we had predicted, exports of Portuguese wines in 2023 slightly declined, but less than expected. The global trade in wine has significantly decreased in 2023 for various reasons, leading to a reduction in our exports. However, the figures for our competitors worldwide show a much stronger decline than ours, which means that Portugal, despite everything, has increased its share in the global wine market," says Frederico Falcão, President of ViniPortugal.

Port weakens                                                        

Although the category of port wines still occupies by far the most important place in the country's exports, it is also the category that accounts for almost all of the losses. Exports without port wine remained almost unchanged from 2022, at €620m– a difference of only 492,000 euros compared to the same period of the previous year.


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Reading time: 6m



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