Devil's Advocate: A Rational Argument for the Half-Litre Wine Bottle

After considering the advice of one of the world's most respected wine producers, Robert Joseph calls for smaller wine bottles.

Reading time: 3m 45s

Devil’s Advocate: Wine-Swigging Marathon Runners vs Tasting Groups

Robert Joseph is far more impressed by a British wine merchant with 4m views on TikTok than a call for more tasting groups.

Reading time: 3m

Devil’s Advocate: Should We Be Talking About Red Wine Headaches?

Robert Joseph looks at a phenomenon that rarely gets discussed — the discomfort some people, including wine professionals, suffer after drinking a glass or two of red.

Reading time: 2m 45s

Devil's Advocate: The Only Solution for Bordeaux - Cut Volumes and Raise Prices

As top critics head for Bordeaux to taste 2023 samples of wine selling en primeur at prices from €20 to €200 or more, Robert Joseph looks at the 'other' Bordeaux that the giant supermarket chain Carrefour is selling at prices that compete with Red Bull and Coca Cola. 

Reading time: 4m

Devil’s Advocate: Wine Has Lost Its Divine Right to Supremacy

Many wine people imagine that their favourite alcoholic beverage is innately superior to any others. Robert Joseph suggests that pursuing this line may not prove to be very productive.

Reading time: 4m

Devil's Advocate: What Wine Businesses Could Learn From a Long-Running TV Show

Robert Joseph watched an internationally popular business reality television series for the first time in a decade - and found it included surprisingly useful lessons about margins, branding and distribution. Here are four key takeaways.

Reading time: 5m

ProWein's Time to Strike Back

The ProWein must once again take the initiative to avoid falling behind. A commentary by Clemens Gerke.

Reading time: 3m 30s

Devil's Advocate: A Defence of Restaurant Mark-Ups and ProWein Hotel Prices

Robert Joseph often likes to defend (or at least, explain) the apparently indefensible. Here, as thousands of professionals consider the high cost of attending ProWein, he offers a reasonable explanation for those high hotel prices.

Reading time: 2m 30s

Devil’s Advocate: Why Franciacorta's 134 Subzones May Make Commercial Sense

Franciacorta is the latest region to break itself up into subzones. At first glance, this seems too complicated — but Robert Joseph suggests there may be method behind the madness.

Reading time: 4m 15s