Austria Takes a Leading Role with PIWIS – ‘Pioneering Wines’

Recently-created resistant PIWI – ‘pioneering wine’ –  grape varieties that take their name from the German term pilzwiderstandsfähig (fungus-resistant), are increasingly seen by viticulturists as a viable solution to emerging environmental and climatic challenges.

Reading time: 2m 15s

More Germans Are Planting PIWIs

German vineyards are becoming whiter, more Burgundian, and more fungus-resistant.

Reading time: 1m

Hybrids Planted in Champagne

After receiving approval in 2022, the first vineyards of the hybrid variety Voltis are being planted. The trial remains with restrictions.

Reading time: 1m 30s

Hybrids: Finding a Place

In a world apparently tiring of experts, there is at least one in the viticultural sphere that we should be grateful for. In 2020, research led by Andrew Walker, a geneticist and professor of viticulture and enology at UC Davis, led to the release of five new grape varieties. They have some advantages in common. Sarah Philips McCartan reports.

Reading time: 5m 45s