For the first time, a representative study by Geisenheim University, commissioned by the German Wine Institute (DWI), reveals where wines are sold in the domestic market, volumes and revenues. How important is the restaurant sector?
At the Michelin-starred Parisian restaurant La Tour d'Argent, an inventory check reportedly revealed the absence of more than 80 wine bottles valued at over €1.5m.
The wine industry focuses a lot of attention on the way wine performs in blind tastings and less on the way it is perceived by the people who actually drink it - and why. Top researchers are conducting studies but Robert Joseph impudently wonders if they are asking the right questions.
For many visitors, the day spent manning stands or visiting them and taking part in the actual events at the fair is only half the attraction of ProWein. There is plenty on offer in Düsseldorf in the evenings - from French fries with cool wines to Korean-inspired dishes with Champagne and Altbier. Wolfgang Fassbender has put together exciting evening events.
It’s got a wine-growing history that dates back to the Roman world. It’s got more than 220 authorised grape varieties over 55,000 hectares of vineyards, and it’s one of the most exciting wine-growing countries in Europe.