
Perspectives on the pandemic fallout

Although a vaccine is finally in sight, the wine trade is still struggling with the fallout from the pandemic. James Lawrence asks four different wine companies how they have been coping, and their plans for the future.

Why the wine industry needs diversity of products

Biodiversity as a concept is as important to business as it is to the natural world, says Robert Joseph. 

Good vibrations - the selling of sensory pleasure

Sabrina Earnshaw is a sales professional with experience across two sensory industries. She shares what she’s learned with Felicity Carter.

The wine scholars

Jeni Port goes inside the Len Evans Tutorial, the world’s most exclusive wine school.

The first rung on the winemaking ladder

Roger Morris meets some cellar rats, the interns who travel the world to work vintage, the first step on their winemaking journey.

Wine, Covid-19 and the loss of smell

Loss of smell is a symptom of Covid-19. Jeni Port and Nicole Bilson learn more about it — and discover what can be done if you lose your sense of smell.

The four types of wine students

Educator Debra Meiburg MW says when she teaches her wine courses, she takes four distinct learning styles into account.

Are some grapes doomed to be second rate?

What makes one grape highly prized, while another is an also-ran? Robert Joseph considers the question.

Covid-19 and the Canadian wine market

Michelle Bouffard looks at the impact of Covid-19 on three of Canada’s provinces.

Schloss Johannisberg and the story of Riesling

Three hundred years ago this year, a far-sighted noble decided to plant a vineyard with just one grape – Riesling. It was a decision that changed wine history. Ilka Lindemann has the story.

Wine trash – new uses for old garbage

Not all garbage is garbage, at least in the wine business – because wine garbage can be turned into new products, thanks to recycling and upcycling. Christine Neubecker has the story.

Bordeaux plans a turnaround

The vignerons of Bordeaux have been hit very hard by a number of things at once. Allen Sichel from the CIVB tells Felicity Carter what they plan to do about it.

The real cost of wine

How much does it cost to produce a bottle of wine? And, more importantly, should those costs be transparent? Robert Joseph weighs in.

Russia explores its indigenous grape treasures

Igor Serdyuk says Russian winemakers have become more interested in the possibilities offered by their indigenous and hybrid grapes.