
Wineries explain the fallout from Covid-19

Although wine sales have been strong in relation to other retail categories, the world of wine has still been hit hard by the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. Wineries with no distribution through retail have been particularly hard hit. Jason Sych asks four wineries how they have navigated the crisis.

The vines that could upend the wine world

PIWIs, or fungus-resistant grapes, are emerging as an alternative to classic grape varieties. But they’re not problem free. Simon Woolf explores the issues.

The dirt on vineyard soil

Jamie Goode looks at some of the issues of soil management, now understood to be a critical element of the vineyard.

How hands-off can viticulture be?

A recent Meininger’s article on low-intervention viticulture struck a nerve with some readers. Robert Joseph spoke to Sally Evans, a wine producer, about the need to talk about economic sustainability.

Listening to Levi Dalton

New York sommelier Levi Dalton is the man behind wine’s most successful podcast. Jason Sych finds out how he does it.

The hands-off approach to viticulture

Darren Smith looks at the Fukuoka method of farming and asks whether it holds lessons for viticulture.

What they’re drinking in Paris

Parisians not only consume the most wine per head, they also set global trends. Sophie Kevany checks what they’re drinking.

A wine bottle that’s flat out different

Jason Sych puts the flat wine bottle through its paces, to see if it does what its creator promises it can do.

There is no shame in wineries asking for help

Robert Joseph says that struggling wineries have nothing to lose by talking to their customers.

Taking exception to wine exceptionalism

How exceptional a product is wine? And if it is exceptional, what are the market implications? Robert Joseph weighs in.

Three wine writers walk into a webinar

Where will the next generation of wine writers come from? What skills do they need to succeed? And what are the arguments for and against scores? Felicity Carter listens to three top wine writers thrash out the issues.

An old wine company shares strategies for a new reality

Henkell Freixenet has seen it all – the Great Depression, two world wars, and globalisation. Felicity Carter speaks to CEO Dr Brokemper about how the wine trade can navigate the pandemic.

An updated calendar of online wine events

Online wine get-togethers are flourishing, as people move their social life online. If you're running an online wine event, please tell us - and here are the ones we already know about.

Time for the wine industry to plan ahead

Almost everyone has more time on their hands right now. Robert Joseph looks at some tried and tested ways to use it productively.

How much do you need to know about a wine?

How much do you need to know about something in order to enjoy it? Robert Joseph reflects on a time of low knowledge, high appeal.