Gallo Acquires Female Empowerment Brand

E. & J. Gallo Winery has announced the acquisition of American beverage brand Bev, along with its portfolio of premium canned wines and spritzers. This acquisition comes two years after Gallo obtained exclusive distribution rights in the United States.

Reading time: 1m 30s

Stop-Go in UK Approach to Recycling

The topic of glass recycling is at the heart of quite different discussions in two parts of the UK. An initiative, backed by the London Wine Trade Fair is attempting to clarify the situation.

Reading time: 2m 10s

Alternative Packaging: Everything But Glass

Alternative packaging in the wine industry promotes climate benefits. What possibilities are there to replace the emission-intensive disposable glass? Vincent Messmer reports.

Reading time: 7m 30s

Canned Wine Hits the Alcohol Buffers

A year ago, canned wine was predicted to take the world by storm. Now the world’s biggest US can manufacturer is closing some of its factories because of a fall in demand.

Reading time: 1m 45s