"All the topics we are discussing are very important and should be debated within the wine industry. We want to organize a complete event where participants feel that learning and sharing experiences can bring something beneficial to their business," says Pancho Campo, founder of Wine Future Summits.
The conference will feature panels, keynote speeches, tastings, a trade fair area and numerous hospitality events. The themes of this edition of Wine Future focus on raising awareness among the younger generation about moderate alcohol consumption, new strategies for increasing sales in uncertain times, the evolution of wine tourism, Portugal's iconic wines, new technologies as a driving force for expansion, and many other topics.
- Rock star, pilot and entrepreneur Bruce Dickinson talks about what the seemingly disparate fields of music and commercial aviation have in common and what other industries can learn from them.
- Dr Laura Catena of Argentina's most dynamic wine family, presents recent research and analyses the pros and cons of alcohol consumption generally, and where wine fits into the picture
- Adrian Bridge of Taylor's Port and World of Wine discusses wine tourism after Covid with Catherine Leparmentier of Great Wine Capitals and Marisah Nieuwoudt,Wine Tourism Manager for South Africa’s 23 wine routes - and 533 wineries. Virtual events have changed the business. At the same time, more and more wineries are opening new tasting rooms. How will this be reconciled?
- Rob McMillan of Silicon Valley Bank explains the current status of the US wine industry.
- Economist and Nobel laureate Christopher Pissarides will explain how the world economy, labour markets and new technology are connected with the wine sector.
You can find the full program HERE.
Masterclasses and tastings
Three tastings, which will be conducted by world renown experts, complete the programm. 'Madeira & Port' and 'Icon Wines' of Portugal show what Portugal has to offer as a wine country. With 'The Magnificent 12' Mark Squire takes a look at the international wine scene. At Wine Future Hong Kong, renowned critic Robert Parker conducted one of the industry’s most legendary tastings under the title of “The Bordeaux Magical 20,” as a reflection of the tremendous interest in Asia for Bordeaux wines at the time. The 2023 edition of Wine Future will be a more international and inclusive conference with a broader reach. This tasting seminar will showcase truly iconic wines from the most important wine regions of the planet.

"This will be a unique opportunity for us to get in touch with wine industry professionals and share knowledge in order to help the sector promote its business better, more effectively and more efficiently in Portugal, but above all worldwide."

This year's edition of Wine Future is co-organized by ViniPortugal, through the Wines of Portugal brand, and Chrand Events.
Tickets for the 4th edition of Wine Future can now be purchased via ticketline at https://ticketline.sapo.pt/en/evento/wine-future-2023-75233.